
How Bilingualism Can Affect Your Brain

Great article on Bilingualism. Excerpt below, “Speaking multiple languages may be an advantage in more ways than one: a new study suggests that bilinguals are speedier task-switchers than monolinguals.” Read More…

Useful Words In Brazil

USEFUL WORDS IN BRAZIL Good morning – “Bom dia” Good afternoon – “Boa tarde” Good night – “Boa noite” What’s your name? – “Como é o seu nome?” My name is Paulo – “Meu nome é...

The Language Barrier, Attitudes & Customs

THE LANGUAGE BARRIER 1. If you know a little bit of Portuguese use it. It will go a long way in cementing the business relationship. Speak it. It is a sign of respect, a demonstration that you are interested in at least trying. They really appreciate the fact that you...

Business Etiquette in Brazil

Business Etiquette in Brazil 1. It is extremely impolite to get right down to business. 2. Proper greetings and sufficient time spent on small talk sets up the right atmosphere. 3. The use of language is critical (The formal Senhor and the informal Voce). Getting a...

Relationships in Brazil

RELATIONSHIPS 1. The most important objective for a person doing business in Brazil is to build relationships, and above all, relationships with the right people. It is frequently more important who you know than what you know. 2. Brazilians favor relationships over...
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