How Many Words Can You Memorize A Day?

Eric is a beginner language learner eager to learn French. He knows that fluency in la langue de Molière will boost his career prospects, and while he’s not a big fan of French cinema (is there such a person?), he can’t wait to travel to southern France next year and...

Want to Be Smarter? Science Says Do This

We’re always looking for little life hacks in hopes of improving the way our brain works. We’ve tried eating walnuts, solving one too many crossword puzzles, depleting our Sudoku collection, and reading countless stacks of books. Yet, despite all these...

Want to Be Smart? Learn a Foreign Language

Want to Be Smart? Learn a Foreign Language In an interconnected world, being multilingual helps you forge valuable global connections and increase your chances of making it big in the world of business. But being multilingual is good for your brain too. In a recent...