
Want to Be Smart? Learn a Foreign Language

Want to Be Smart? Learn a Foreign Language In an interconnected world, being multilingual helps you forge valuable global connections and increase your chances of making it big in the world of business. But being multilingual is good for your brain too. In a recent...

Speaking More Than One Language Eases Stroke Recovery

Speaking More Than One Language Eases Stroke Recovery   There are ways to reduce your risk of having a stroke — for example, you can exercise more and not smoke. But should a stroke occur, you might also be able to reduce your risk of losing brain function if you...

5 Reasons Why You Must Constantly Learn

How many times you had the feeling that you are lost with a new subject at work? If you are like most people, probably many times… But don’t worry! This is really common in our days because we live in a very dynamic environment, with a lot of new information to handle...
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