

by | Oct 7, 2020

Email is an effective and rapid method of response in today’s professional environment; therefore, producing appropriate emails is critical and must be developed strategically.
Professional success demands that email communication be clear, concise and devoid of cultural insensitivities in language.
Below are questions to help you evaluate your own email strength:
What method do you use to build your professional vocabulary?
Are your emails gaining strength by selecting the noun form of a word rather than the overused adjective form?
How comfortable do you feel quickly responding by email to coworkers, department managers or the company owner?
Are there situations in which you doubt your message is heard correctly? If so, at what point does this occur and how often?
Have you noticed the subtle changes between an email written in your native language and one in English with regard to overall tone and structural and cultural ambiguities?
Discovering that your emails lack the professional quality you had hoped
to achieve should lead you to investigate a short-term course at Be Bilingual to
enhance your email-writing. –PH-

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